This post is dedicated to my mother and grandmother! Today is Mother's Day and I even though I am in California and they are in New Mexico they were in my thoughts all day. So much so, that I decided to make my all time favorite dish growing up today. I needed a little taste of home so I decided to make my grandmother's Chili Beans! These beans are my ultimate comfort food! I remember coming home from school and smelling them as I walked in the door. That smell made any stress or drama of the day just go away. I would load a up a huge bowl add crackers and dig in!
I've never attempted to make these beans for myself. But I thought that since I couldn't spend the day with my mother and grandmother I would make them. I called my grandma at least half a dozen times in the last two days to make sure I was getting it right. I made my chili beans and just like I would back home. I made a big bowl and crumbled crackers on top. I stuck my spoon in expecting to be transported back to my grandmothers house in one single bite.
However I as I took my first few bites I was disappointed. The beans were fine in fact Cory loved them. But to me something was missing. I couldn't put my finger on it. Did it need more salt, less chili powder, perhaps a little more garlic powder. I just couldn't figure it out, I followed her instructions to the letter why didn't they taste the same? Then it dawned on me the key ingredient that was missing was my grandmother's love!
I know that sounds corny but its true, my beans were good but. They weren't the same and I think I enjoy them far more when she makes them for me more than I like making them for myself. My grandmother helped me developed my love for baking and cooking. Many a saturday was spent by her side in her kitchen baking desserts and preparing family meals. I owe my skill in the kitchen to her!
My mother also contributed greatly to my love of food. She taught me how to eat out of my comfort zone and try new things. When a child I would never eat pasta in white sauces. Because I thought white sauce on pasta was white gravy. And I am was not a fan of white gravy at all. Then my mom ordered a pasta dish with white sauce and told me to try it. I of course refused and she insisted that I at least try it before I decide to hate it. So I gave in and too my surprise I LOVED it! That was the day I discovered cheese sauce! I hate to think of all the food I would have missed out on if she hadn't made me take that bite!
That is just one example of how she helped shaped my view of food. I am grateful to my Mother and Grandmother for so much. My strength, humor and over all love for food. They have always encouraged me and supported me in my dreams! I don't know where or who I would be without their love and support. There really aren't words to express my love and gratitude. So happy mother's day! I love you and thank you so very much for all you have and continue to do for me!
Thank You,
Today I lost one of my diamond earrings, and Ive been kind of down. But after reading this I konw I have the most precious jewels in the world, my daughter. Thank you for teaching me that I chould love food without letting it kill me. You know I'm not a fan of chile beans, but I cant wait to let you try my perfect smoked chicken.
Much Love
hi mom, it's Kirsten, the East Coast version of your daughter. I have to say, you look soooo young in these pictures...I thought you were Kim's sister (though, like me, I know she's an only child).
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