Saturday, October 22, 2011

Foodie Tip of the week

The best time to go to the grocery store, is on a Saturday night. Its fantastic, the store is basically empty there are no lines and you can get all your shopping done peacefully. This is especially good for stores like Trader Joe's that are often small and jammed packed with people most other nights. 

I really enjoyed not having the hassle of being run down with carts, or having to deal with rude senior citizens. Its the most peaceful time to grocery shop. Now you maybe thinking, but Kim I have a life! There's a reason why the stores are empty it's because people are out having fun on a Saturday night and not grocery shopping. I totally understand that, on the rare occasion you find yourself with nothing to do on a Saturday night you should go buy your groceries. 

If you go out late after nine you can go get your groceries before you go out. Then when your hungover on  Sunday you have food in the house and you don't have to leave. Its win/win! There you are if you want hassle free food shopping go on Saturday night. 

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