Its the beginning of a new year, and you know what that means? Diet! Everyone I know is trying a new "program" or working going to the gym more to be a healthier/skinner person in the new year. This is not new it happens every January, and I am not immune. I to am trying to loose my twelve pounds of Christmas weight.
So nothing annoys me more than when I am watching TV or a movie and I see a bunch a of skinny people enjoying ice cream, or wine, or a burger or any other type of food I am trying to steer clear of right now. The reason this annoys me so much is because the entertainment industry will have you believe that you can eat whatever you want and still be a size nothing! Which makes me feel like I am being punished because I can't necessarily guzzle a bottle of wine or eat a cupcake right now because my jeans are screaming for mercy.
I know its harmless and the movies/tv aren't trying to make me feel crazy, but it does. I can't belly up to a plate full of veggies while watching someone on tv dive in to pasta. It just feel so unfair!!!! So I guess until I've totally detoxed and my jeans feel a little better, I'll stick to books. Which in the grander scheme of things is better for my brain then zoning out in front of the TV. I feel so much better having gotten this off my chest.
To all of you out there fighting the weight battle good luck, I'll see you all in February when we're back to drinking cocktails and eating chocolate!!!!!
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