Thursday, September 25, 2008

Bad blogger

As an avid, and do mean avid blog reader. I often feel disappointed when I click on my favorite blogs to find that they don't have any new posts. I am cool with going a day or two without new posts by my favorite bloggers. But more than that, and I start to get frustrated.
Don't they know that I check everyday to read their funny, entertaining or insightful post?! Don't they understand that if I don't have any new post to read, I'll actually have to read and respond to my work email?!
My love of reading blogs is what prompted me to start this one. Today it hit me like a 10 pound sack of flour. That cannot complain or be disappointed when bloggers fail to update daily. You know why because I leave in a big glass house of I don't update my own blog every day. So I will put down my stone.
I have thoughts everyday about post and things I want to share with you. However, work, life or just good TV seem to get in the way. I am truly in awe of the bloggers who make time to post once a day or even several times a week!
To my few loyal readers out there I apologize for being lax in my post. I am going to try and do better. Because I know how much I enjoy reading updated blogs. So I will do my best to check in more than a few times a month.

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