Thursday, January 8, 2009

Cupcake vs. Cake

I am going to a dinner party this weekend and was asked to bring dessert. After racking my brain on what to bring I settled on carrot cake. My only issue is this. I am not a very good cake decorator. I can ice a cake, however it never has that really pretty polished look to it you know. Instead my cakes look very, how do I put it, rustic. Mind you they always taste great but leave a little to be desired in the appearance department.
I was thinking that I could make cupcakes instead of one big cake. I am much better at decorating cupcakes. I just don't know if that is acceptable for a dinner party? I have visions of walking in with a beautiful carrot cake in my hand. Having slices with coffee after dinner. Handing out cupcakes doesn't really fit with my vision.
I am asking you readers, okay who am I kidding reader (hi mom). What should I do should I make one big cake or make cupcakes instead?


FlyingDog said...

Another of my favorite food blogs is Cake Wrecks ( and they tend to make fun of cupcake "cakes" every chance they get. Somehow such things have been frowned upon in upper cake society.

I'd go with the one monolithic cake. And if it's carrot cake (yum!) who cares how it is decorated. No one expects a carrot cake to be über fancy - just delicious.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry...please excuse my husband. He knows not of what he speaks. BTW...I heart cupcakes and think they would liven up any dinner part"a".