Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Around the world in 80 days

I always say that I want to be more adventurous in the kitchen. Even though I like to cook, I find myself in a food rut. I tend too cook the same recipes over and over. This is in part due to me sticking to my comfort zone, preparing food that I know I can cook well and that wont challenge me.  Well those days are over!
Starting this week I am pushing my self outside of my comfort zone. For the next 11 weeks I will be cooking foods from around the world. The challenges goes like this. Every week I will cook three recipes from a new country. This week is French food! I am hoping this challenge will stretch my culinary skills in the kitchen and make me more comfortable with trying the unfamiliar.
This should be fun (I hope) and for those who live near me come over for dinner! I'll have a ton of food and it will be fun to get the reactions of my friends! So wish me luck as I go around the world cooking new recipes and trying new food!

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