Thursday, September 8, 2011

Turning the page

Well I have to say at least I didn't wait another whole year to post. Close I waited ten months but hey its an  improvement right?!  I am not going to waste a lot of time with excuses and explanations because that's not productive. The bottom line short answer is I haven't really felt inspired to blog and something more interesting always seem to distract me from it. I am back hoping to post more and I am even working on starting a podcast. Which is proving to be way harder than I anticipated.

This past year has been an interesting one to say the least. I no longer work for the "man" and I am off the corporate ladder so to speak. Please don't feel bad for me, the closing of that chapter in my life has aloud me to start a new one. Its the first time in my life I have had the time and the opportunity to pursue my passions of which I found out I have many.  I have spent the last six months event planning, baking and catching up on all those things I said I would do if I just had more time.

The really good thing to come of all this transition and change is my inspiration to blog and connect has returned. I have so many ideas, and recipes I want to try and share with the one or two readers I have left. 

So I hope you'll check in once in while and get some fun ideas, watch me attempt new cooking techniques and just have a laugh. For all my homies still stuck in cubicles hopefully this will be a welcome distraction between spreadsheets and PowerPoint presentations!

1 comment:

The Butterfly Tea Chic said...

From one homie to another ~ love it! Thanks for the inspiration! Looking forward to swimming in the pool of creative juices that come.

The Butterfly Tea Chic! =)