Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Off to a good start

Today I made progress on my Thanksgiving planning. I ordered my Turkey, which by the way comes with its on confirmation e-mail and number that I have to present in order to pick it up. I finally finished my menu.
The menu was a struggle because I couldn't decide if I should go high-end gourmet or more basic traditional. What I love most about Thanksgiving is its all about the food. So its a day where doing too much is accepted and expected. Thanksgiving is also a day about tradition and familiar tastes and smells that  bring back great memories.
As I waded through hundreds of recipes and weighed different menu options. I decided to meet in the middle. I'll do traditional but with a few updated twist. So with that in mind I created what I think is a good Thanksgiving fest.
Oh and I will blog about it because next week's food challenge is Thanksgiving recipes. So I will take pictures and document the process. Here's what we'll be having on Turkey day.

Herb Salted Turkey
Shredded brussel sprouts cooked in bacon
Creamy rich mashed potatoes
Yam casserole topped with a pecan crumble
Green bean casserole (Wait for those of you who know me, you know how I loathe the dreaded green bean casserole. I have stated my contempt for this dish for years. I realize what I hate is that god awful cream of mushroom soup and fried onions monstrosity that ends up on most holiday tables. I happened to find a recipe that is from scratch and made with good Cheddar cheese does not use canned soup of any kind so I decided to give it a whirl!)
Parker house rolls
Corn bread stuffing
Bourbon Pecan Pie
Sweet Potato Pie
Chocolate cake (if I have time)

So I am well on my way, next items on the list. Make my shopping list, clean out the fridge so I have room for everything and get the house in order for guest. We are exactly 8 days away from the big meal so time to get  cracking!

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